Tomorrow morning Wednesday, July 2, my book designer will be showing me our latest design options for the cover. We've been going back and forth on it all day and a few days before. I have it narrowed down to two. Both awesome! By sometime tomorrow we should be able to have completed last minute changes to the interior of the book as well. So in a day or two I will be able to upload it to Create Space for them to print!
Then we will get to the Kindle versions: A few tweaks to Book One - AWAKENING and Book Two - NET OF JEWELS, then inserting the Navigation pages and covers and they will be good to transform given Amazon's program to change a PDF file to Amazon friendly format. I've heard that the wait time for conversion is 9 days but may be sooner. I'll let you know as soon as I upload to Kindle KDP. Don't have a Kindle? Get the free Kindle App! Writing and publishing FROM DARKNESS has been a long journey of Joy, Astonishment. Really hard work. Healing. and Exhilaration! I cannot wait to share the conclusion with you! And then get on to my next book, TAROT-TAROT! - Jacqueline
June 2020