Of course the rose in the vase and it's placement in the Helpful Friends corner according to Feng Shui, is not a matter of "magic" per se, not to mention the bow I added later. They are only to visually focus our intention. And impress ourselves with our goal or desire or need. The Force (to quote Star Wars) : ) or the Power of Intention is what we are utilizing here. Intention is a tug on the web of relations the physicists talk of, to bring closer an event or object or person that exists in the unmanifest state and bring it to the manifest.
A book > Teachings from the American Earth by Tedlock and Tedlock has an interesting article re the Hopi People who have concepts of the manifest and unmanifest in their sophisticated metaphysical philosophy. I highly recommend.
Maybe late 90's or early 2000s, my computer died and I couldn't afford to replace it.
At that time I had also taken an interest in feng shui, an Eastern practice that combines the art of placement with the power of intention. So I boosted the power of my intention that a computer should appear by placing a rose in a vase in the corner of my apartment designated by feng shui as "Helpful Friends". The next day a woman who I knew as a friend of a friend called me to say she and her family were moving and she had bought a new computer and she wanted to gift me with her old one if I wanted it. I've always worked on a PC and hers was a MAC. Still, I said yes! She said it was old. I didn't care as long as I could keep writing. But then she said it would take her a month to remove all her data and transfer it to her new computer - given that they were moving, packing etc. I was disappointed but still said yes I would love to have it, wondering how I could go a month without a computer. Here off was considerate but not ideal for me so I boosted my intention by tying a ribbon around the vase with the rose and also found something heart shaped I placed nearby thinking help could come not only from a friend but from a former date. The next day (the sequence of events are all documented in my journal), I got a call from a man I had briefly dated back in the early 90s. He was in his early forties, I think, maybe even late 30s but he was an intern? a resident? studying to be a doctor later in life than most and working those long initiating shifts, even as he also worked privately on developing inventions. One night he was waiting for me outside my building, sitting down on a step and obviously falling asleep! So we decided timing was just not right for us and stopped seeing each other. Ok. Fast forward to late 90s or even sometime in early 2000s when he called me. Conversation from his side was light and friendly asking me what was going on in my life. I told him but kept wondering why he had called and couldn't help glancing at the rose. Finally as I was ending the call he asked me with some force, something like, "Really, what is on your mind most right now?" So I told him. "My computer died and I can't replace it and I need to be working on my book!" He immediately offered to give me one of his extra computers! A PC. Could drop it off the next day. Stunned, I glanced at the bow I'd tied around the vase holding the rose, and gladly, however somewhat shocked, accepted! I believe this is just one more of our natural abilities that we just don't know about. I found out by accident.
When it works for me I've found that one just thinks in a light way, I wish I had _________, By a light way I mean without desperation, or pleading, no heavy emotion, no demand. Just sort of wouldn't it be nice if..... I'll tell you now about another time, beside the atlas, when I manifested something in my life. I needed some pots for some plants. Simple. But I didn't want the plain clay pots I wanted some extra detailing. Some decoration on the pots. I needed several. A fairly big one, a medium size one, and a small one. And couldn't afford to buy them. I had a full time job at the time that didn't pay much but left my mind free to write, no pressure, and did child care on the side to help make ends meet and also because I loved the kids! Shortly after I had that desire to have such pots I came home one night late from childcare. Maybe one in the morning. As I enter my building there is a space around the corner from the mail boxes and people often leave something they are letting go of that is in fine shape. I have found books there and left some of my own as well. That night there were 3 clay pots for plants. Large, medium, and small. They were a set with subtle attractive decorative elements added to the clay before it hardened or was put in a kiln. The smallest one also had two iron rings for hanging. Just what I wanted! And I was quite surprised to find just what I'd expressed a desire for! So try it. See what happens. But if you start out with the idea that this is impossible for you and just a coincidence for me it probably won't happen. Just let go of your views for a moment on what is possible and what is not. Be open to the possibility. And see what happens. Let's celebrate the 4th of July recognizing our independence from information that we were taught or others were taught before us but has been discovered to be outdated. The earth is not flat and we can manifest. I posted this experience some time ago. Some of you might have missed it and be interested, so I'll retell..
I needed an atlas to use to research for my novel. They're fairly expensive and at the time a bit much for me. I didn't think more about it, just thought it would be great to have one. A day later I was walking a block from home and passed a mail box. On top of it a large red book was balanced. I always stop to take a look at books no matter where I find them. But this one was unusually big and balanced as it was made me more curious than usual. You've guessed by now, right? It was an atlas. Not brand new but in perfect condition! I said thank you to the sky. Reached for it, and smiled all the way home. What's your manifesting story? |
June 2020