When my pre-publication readers either personally or in the reviews they sent me for NET OF JEWELS mentioned that the suspense kept them on the edge of their seat turning pages wondering what would happen next, I knew I'd written what I'd like to read! A Novel of the Supernatural and the Power of Desire, and A Novel of Suspense! Since I always look at the cover of a book for some clue of what it's about, I decided to add that to the cover. - A Novel of Supernatural Suspense And the Power of Desire . . . Coming Soon!
I"ve had a few days off for the 4th of July that could not have come at a better time! Fireworks going off in my head all day! Wrote the text for the back cover, working with the designer re a new inside Title Page. And she just had a great idea for color on the back cover! Really excited! Now proofing the text for changes made. Looking forward to my late dinner and early rising tomorrow to try to get thru the proofing and then to trim the back cover text. I love doing all this! And can't wait for NET OF JEWELS to debut! Check back! |
June 2020