![]() "We are the miraculous. That is the terror. And the rapture." from AWAKENING Kindle Countdown Deal ! AWAKENING Book 1 of From Darkness Series Supernatural Romantic Suspense by Jacqueline Stigman 250 pages for $.99 for a limited time! Starts: Thursday October 2 -12am Pacific - 2am Central - 3am Eastern Ends: Thursday October10 at 12am Pacific time
Sign Up Now to "What's New" to find out when AWAKENING Book 1 of FROM DARKNESS will be available on Amazon for Kindle Countdown Deals at .99! Seven Days Only! Sign up form on my Home Page.
I'm going to set up my first KINDLE COUNTDOWN DEAL! That means for a limited time (a clock appears on my Amazon site so you know how much time is left to get it) the Kindle version of AWAKENING Book 1 of FROM DARKNESS will be discounted. And I will alert you to when it will happen! Planning on soon!
I did not make the changes you see here! This page has a mind of its own it seems. I will revamp this weekend.
- Jacqueline I discovered Warren Cassell Jr. on Twitter today. Lucky me.
He mentions there that he is an author so I took a look at Amazon and found a book immediately that resonated with me deeply even at first glance. His conviction that we can/could learn so much from nature reminded me that I found wisdom in my window box of flowers and vines. And having been raised on the verge of farmland my contact with grass snakes in the prairie and hawks overhead, and spending so much of my time climbing trees or seeking seclusion under a forsythia bush makes me fear how we have distanced ourselves from nature and then many wonder why we can't sleep, feel anxious, and have come to view each other and even ourselves as alien creatures...I look forward to reading Cassell's thoughts on nature. I just bought his Swim or Drown Can one turn to nature for answers in today's world where so many are losing hope? Teenage serial entrepreneur, Warren Cassell, is confident that listening to the sounds of nature can solve many of today's problems. I recently had some work done in my apartment that made it necessary to move all my books in 3 book cases. At least I didn't have to empty all 11 of my book cases! Afterward, when I began to return books to the shelves I found books I'd been looking for, so I began to organize better. Books and papers had definitely gotten out of control with a life of their own. I could put it all back in a day as they were, but finally had become convinced that it would be much better to be able to find documents and books when I want or need them! So it's taking some time.
After years of writing and rewriting the first three books in the FROM DARKNESS SERIES I needed to regroup. Those first three books together are in fact one book with a beginning and middle and end. But even before I finished it I hoped more books would follow. At this point I have a good start on Book 4 that I hope to bring out in Winter of 2015. So I see this organizing and decluttering as regrouping before I dive back into the book that tugs at me harder everday. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy the journey of writing them. Here's the link to my page on Amazon where between the covers of my books, between their digital and paper pages, Julie Norwood, Griff Digger, and an Immortal Being await you. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_0_7?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=stigman+from+darkness&sprefix=stigman%2Cstripbooks%2C163 Thank you to everyone on FB and LinkedIn, actual cards in snail mail, and personal email from friends, family, and readers wishing me a Happy Birthday!
Every year and everyday a gift. Every hour. Every moment. Love to you all! - Jacqueline |
June 2020