I have in the past described myself as a shy blogger. Usually if at all I post links to what interests me that I hope may interest those who visit here.
Today I feel moved to share my thoughts. I'm interested in just about everything. I've always been curious. And facinated by what I've learned along the way. Recently on Amazon I found a documentary about a man named Willard who was a hermit. He lived in Canada and was a pacifist at heart so when there was a call for men to enlist during WW II he waited until the government stated that those who enlisted now could choose to stay in Canada during the years they served. But by the time he had enlisted the country was shipping every soldier overseas. As they claimed there was fine print in the agreement that in case they needed men badly that agreement would be revoked. And it was. Willard was then on a troop train being taken to wherever they would then ship the men overseas. He jumped off the train and disappeard for about 67 years. He built a very small log cabin and survived. He had some but very little contact with other people in the wilderness and they respected his privacy. Once he was seen in the back of a church service. Eventually when he was 87, fit, happy with this life more people learned of his existence and way of life that was so different from the way they lived that they just could not understand how it was possible that he could still be alive and willing to live That Way. Meaning not living in a way they lived. So they grew in numbers and offered him help. He refused for the most part. He accepted books and was quite well read. Everything from mysteries to classics. But he refused money. And they couldn't stand that. Because they would never refuse money. He did not crave company. He didn't crave improvemetns in his ife. He had a very old little stove that still functioned. But they insisted it was unsafe and bought him a new one. Long story short his cabin burned down. He had survived so successfully for so long on his own that I do not believe that he somehow mistakenly caused the fire. Since these intruders, these "do gooders" would not leave him alone. I have to wonder if his cabin burning down was a case of arson. Because they had also had a new home built for him before it burnt down. And he didn't want it. The nerve of him! After the fire which I suppose was to force him accept the home they built for him, instead he fled into the wilderness. And his remains were found not long after. They hounded him and his unique life that didn't match up with theirs until it killed him. I felt terribly sad for Willard. And furious with these intrusive people. They had this herd mentality that everyone must live like them. One man kept saying, "Why it's only common sense!" How about just respecting someone's life as they live it. Do unto others as we would have others do unto us. We reward unique people as long as they share themselves with us. Too often, if they want their privacy they are resented, not by all, but by enough busy bodies to harm them. We live in a society today where we are urged to be transparent. Now when it comes to a company I believe that is an excellent and needed policy. However few of them adhere to it. But when it comes to our lives and how we choose to live as long as one does no harm to others we must respect other people's privacy. I will follow this up with my thoughts regarding a similar story where a unique person who has actively contributed to society insists on his privacy and right away there is someone stating "I want to lift his mystery." I want to tell her to get her own life. Here's the link to the video documentary regarding Willard. https://www.amazon.com/Willard-Hermit-Gully-Kitchener-MacDonald/dp/B0719BYS8F
It's that of Barabar Bartolome
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zg3HnkSg38s I haven't been blogging lately so when a new friend of mine named Gab asked if I blogged I thought to share this personal story of mine again hoping it will console those who are grieving and convince them that their loved ones are now off to an After Life.
In March of 2014 my brother was diagnosed with inoperable cancer and passed away about 30 days later. I did visit him in the hospital and stayed for 8 days. I live in NYC and he in my hometown Chicago. I did have to go back to NYC to work and Chuck told me very forcefully to "Be happy!" and that I should not come back. We had had a wonderful visit and talked non-stop. April 20th, I called the hospice to see how his night had been. The night nurse told me he was sleeping peacefully, heavily medicated for pain, and that she thought he would pass that day, which happened to be Easter Sunday. I asked if she would hold the phone to his ear as many believe people in comas, or in my brother's condition can still hear us. She did and I told him I loved him and that I looked forward to seeing him "later." A few hours passed and I wanted to check on him but didn't want to bother the nurses as they are so busy. Instead, I began crying hard, sobbing, and then I suddenly felt a light tap on my head and heard my brother say cheerfully, "I thought I told you to be happy!" I looked at my clock and saw it was 9am. Still I didn't call the hospice. At 10:30 my sister called to say she had got the call that Chuck had passed away. I asked her,"What time?" She didn't know. I said I'd find out. I called and got the new shift nurse who told me after looking at his records that he's passed away at "8 o'clock, on the dot!" she said. I hung up the phone and smiled thru my tears. 8am in Chicago is 9am in NYC. Just when Chuck stopped by to remind me to be happy. . . I bumped into this channel on youtube and thought it might be of interest to others. The person claims to be producing a visual realtime wormhole from his bedroom to the state of AZ via generating 525 HZ.
I can't say if I believe it or not. Meaning I don't know or can't tell if this is faked or not. That said, I think we often in modern times create with tech 1st what we can do ourself (claimed by shaman and Buddhists) without tech bec we believe more in the physical than in our mental/spiritual capability. Seeing at a Distance has been verified by our USA military who studied people who can do this like the well known Ingo Swann. For example, asked to describe what is at a certain location and he does descibe in detail even if hidden by the military, a thousand miles away. Still, this video is interesting as I believe we can create tech that reproduces what we are capable of doing without tech. The first attempt might be a CGI. Next real tech achievement. Then being able to see at a distance without tech. That is, our natural ability to see at a distance. Check it out at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgUfopXqDOg&app=desktop Soon we won't have many records kept by hand. This is my tattered log of all my paintings in oil begun back in 1968 when I began painting at the Art Students League in NYC, my teacher painter Rudolf Baranik.The front and back covers of the log have detached and for some reason I wrote in pencil that by now you can see is very light which is why I decided to create a list on my computer. Once started the project grew to noting details surrounding creating the paintings, sources of inspiration, where I painted them, and elements in the paintings to insure indentification. Memories attached to all of them. Upsetting however to find that my younger self had signed early paintings only with initials! And later did not sign the front of many paintings! I always found signing a nuisance and never thought I might be letting them go out into the world without being signed. I plan to publish a book of the paintings so as to have a record. Wish I'd been a bit neater! Heat of the moment must have interfered. :)
Some of you know me as a writer, some as a painter...Some here are family, some we went to high school together, some I've never met face to face but have been connected on FB for years. I thought to share with all of you what is on my mind today.....Today, I am nearly 99% decided that I must give up my 2 rented storage spaces home to over 150 of my oil paintings. I have another 60 in another space but at no cost. However those storage rooms cost $400 a month and I feel I can no longer justify this cost to myself anymore. Never could really. What breaks my heart is that I will just let go of the storage spaces and after 3 months of nonpayment they will auction off the paintings. I won't know who they will go to. Many early paintings are unsigned. I painted for more than 45 years. And these last few days I'm not writing because I'm creating a list based on my log book kept since 1968 when I began painting in oils (I'd drawn from early childhood). And as I type up title, date, descriptio, where I painted them and so on to make sure they are identified my life in NYC flashes before me. I was in 6 shows in NYC. Got the attention of 3 important galleries. Sold some paintings. But the two most promising shows in the best galleries were plagued by first a Wall Street dip just before one show in Tribeca at White Columns where I was one of 10 painters chosen from 50,000 world wide. The second show in an upper East Side Madison Avenue gallery opened the day the Iraq war began. Luck always plays some part. There are some paintings I can say, yes, go out into the world. Others I would love to keep but have no room for. A very few I will bring home. I could have bought a home with what I've spent on paint, gesso, canvas, stretchers, brushes, and storage over the years. But I don't regret. This is part of what I am. Part of my small mission on earth. So currently creating my list and then will convert all slides to digital, quite a labor intensive process, however then, at least, I will have a record of my life's work. Just thought to share here. . . . Have to say feeling a bit depressed. Letting go is hard.
![]() #2 In Amazon's Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Religion and Spirituality > Occult > ESP #11 In Kindle Store > Kindle Short Reads > 90 minutes (44-64 pages) > Biographies & Memoirs I belive my experience proves our connection with those we love who have passed on. And so one more proof of the Afterlife. A comforting and intriguing story. Purchase the paperback and get the eBook Free! 43 pages with photos. https://www.amazon.com/POWER-HEART-Story-everyone-someone-ebook/dp/B0714BB8FG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1495980243&sr=8-1&keywords=jacqueline+stigman |
June 2020