I want to share with you that my novel FROM DARKNESS, that is all three books of the Trilogy, that forms one book, is a story for Christmas. What is a Christmas story? Heartwarming, right? And I think earthshaking. A story that turns the world of the main character and the reader upside down and inside out. A feel-good element too! So how can a book be a supernatural thriller and a heart warming story ?
Well, it can. And this one is. And I know you wouldn't think so ordinarily so that's why I wanted to say a few things about the book with out giving anything away. FROM DARKNESS is about love and loyalty, family, and trust. About terror and the mysterious, the marvelous and the wondrous, about horror, pain, fear, and betrayal and how one young woman deals with all that.. And is there a luminous, enthralling, unearthly Being? There is! But why mix it all up in one story? There is even a word, well, two for it now. A mash up! Because that's how life is. Every time (98%) I tell someone I write novels of the supernatural, they proceed to tell me their story about a ghost, an NDE, a vision, an angel, or something that happened that they just can't explain! And seldom share, concerned about what people will think. But I believe that's beginning to change. When are we going to stop pretending that what we call the supernatural is unreal or not a natural part of life? It's always been with us. In every culture over the world. And in case someone hasn't noticed over the last few years or more it's gone viral. It's everywhere. And it's not going away. And now we're listening or paying more attention than ever before. Maybe because it prompts us to ask some deeper questions about the meaning of life. To move to another level in our understanding about what it is to be human, and what's its all about. Maybe we think we know. But maybe we don't. I really don't know that I'm doing anything different. And I don't think that matters too much. It's just that before I decided to self publish I encountered so much pressure from agents who said they were interested in my book, it's just that I should cut it down to a third of its size. And, they said, there was lots I didn't need. I don't mean what we call "fat" writing although there was some of that until I got rid of it. They meant stories within the story that "I didn't need." So I dutifully went home and cut cut cut. And got it down to the "right" size. Then I sat back and realized I'd cut the heart and soul out of my book and everything that made it mine. By then I become aware of self publishing. I'm pretty traditional and wanted to go that route. But I saw that they were only guessing at what they thought would sell and trying to impose that on aurthors. So I went back in - and put back some I'd taken out - but did leave two characters with small but intriguing parts out and I'm sorry for that now. The great thing is that as an Indie Author I can put them right back in for the Second Edition! If I had met Anne Rice sooner than I did I wouldn't have made that mistake. She is ThrillerMaster this year at ThrillerFest an annual conference for readers and writers held here in NYC every July. What Anne Rice told me that day I brought her books to autograph, was that you give your book not to those that want to change it, but to those who love it. When I began writing FROM DARKNESS I wanted to keep it really lean. A short book. Only focused on the supernatural. But the rest of life kept barging in! So FROM DARKNESS is the story of A Young Woman's Struggle and Adventure, A Tragic Family Drama, A Story that includes Evil, A Love Story, and more. I have always sensed the role of The Power of the Heart permeating the Soul of the Supernatural. If that's not a Christmas Story, what is? And so I invite you to try the first book in my trilogy - AWAKENING. I hope you do. Available at my site thru Create Space www.jacquelinestigman.com and at Amazon. In Paper. Soon every eReader. - JACQUELINE STIGMAN New York City November 7, 2013
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