Just as someone I know said on 9/11 that our lives would never be the same, the massacre in Paris has changed all our lives here in the USA forever and for the entire world. I am profoundly disappointed and furious with the lack of vigor, action, and vision - that seems to come across masquerading as obstinate blindness, but appears suspiciously like strategy - shown by President Obama in regard to a response to this attack. I voted for Obama and now am very sorry I did as he seems to do everything in his power to put America and Americans in ultimate danger and show disregard for the people of not only Paris but the world. And I am against the the open door policy he as instigated importing people who we cannot vet and among whom will certainly be members of ISIS. How many? We all know it only took 2 to take down the twin towers and nearly 3000 American lives. How dare he so misuse his power to not only endanger us all here in the States but to force this policy on us, a policy as if planned to destroy America and aid ISIS. We need someone at the helm now who is on our side.
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June 2020